
Scrivenshaft'S Quill Shop Harry Potter


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Old 08-06-2016, 01:34 AM

Default Scrivenshaft'southward Quill Shop

Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop is the feather in Hogsmeade's hat -- literally! Conveniently located adjacent to a schoolhouse and having consequent business for most of the yr, peeking through the windows of this store will make it very obvious what this building houses. Various quills, parchments, and stationery sets are laid out on display, luring in any student that loves the smell of parchment, misplaced their favourite quill, or is looking to make doing homework fun.

Later the bell dings post-obit your archway, the smell of newspaper fills your nose. After taking in some other breath, though, a new olfactory property registers in your mind. Is that the odour of ... cat litter? The previous owner (grandmother of the current) used to let her cats roam free here, only you will non discover them here anymore -- at nearly you might find a stray cat toy or two that had been left behind or bits of fur.

Photos!: Inventory

Old 09-27-2017, 12:13 AM #2 (permalink)

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THOSE HOGWRTIANS WERE ABOUT TO Take THE BOMB DROPPED ON THEM!!!! "Wait til they become a load of me!'' Tony pranced well-nigh with a broom in hand. He had to clean the identify upward well enough. "Thank MERLIN those furballs don't live here anymore. Whatever was granny thinking of letting them live in Hither?''

Tony paused in the brushing to INHALEEEEE DEEEEEEPLY. "Cat Gratuitous! I love that wonderful smell!'' Not to mention he was terrified of them all because one had chased him up a tree when he was little. But no 1 spoke of THAT result. Not a single family member. Tony fabricated sure of it.

Now he continued sashaying around and singing at the Peak of his lungs. He might look weird to you as y'all step into the shop. Tony was dressed Vivid neon blood-red pants and a matching shirt. Rose pink boots adorned his feet.

"This is the anti-love beloved song
I resent you for making me care
I detest the fact that I love your face
That I always feel warm when you're near."

The Dead Kneazles. T LOVED that band.


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Old 09-27-2017, 12:23 AM #three (permalink)



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Yay, Hamlet! � Cathopper � Disney Fanatic � I was normal one time...


Originally Posted by Tony Killingworth View Post

THOSE HOGWRTIANS WERE Virtually TO Have THE Bomb DROPPED ON THEM!!!! "Wait til they get a load of me!'' Tony pranced well-nigh with a broom in hand. He had to clean the place upwardly well enough. "Thank MERLIN those furballs don't live here anymore. Whatever was granny thinking of letting them live in HERE?''

Tony paused in the brushing to INHALEEEEE DEEEEEEPLY. "Cat Complimentary! I love that wonderful smell!'' Non to mention he was terrified of them all because ane had chased him upwards a tree when he was little. But no one spoke of THAT event. Not a unmarried family member. Tony made certain of it.

Now he connected sashaying around and singing at the Height of his lungs. He might look weird to you as y'all footstep into the shop. Tony was dressed Brilliant neon scarlet pants and a matching shirt. Rose pink boots adorned his feet.

"This is the anti-love honey song
I resent you for making me care
I detest the fact that I beloved your face up
That I always feel warm when you're near."

The Dead Kneazles. T LOVED that band.

Flynn had one important errand on the top of to-practice list as before long as Hogsmeade opened, and no, it was non to take Felicity on a proper date. Yes, that was on his to-do list, but he hadn't even asked her nonetheless if she wanted to proceed a date with him here. He had to practise that commencement before fifty-fifty planning a engagement, so yeaaaah, he needed to go himself some ink.

He slipped into the store, trying to go unnoticed because he hated pocket-sized talk with the shopkeepers. Information technology was simply until he heard that loud, AWFUL singing that he he was driven off course. He knew staring was bad, but he was doing information technology anyways.


He slowly took a few steps back, thinking he could slip out earlier the human noticed him. He most definitely seemed like the person Flynn would dislike so ameliorate to exit before he was forced to accept a chat with him.


_______________________________ Y'all may hate me, but it ain't no lie: bye bye bye.

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Old 09-27-2017, 03:44 AM #4 (permalink)


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Cranville Quincey's Magical Junk Shop

Default Dani // Jessa

Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T East R || Captain Oblivious

Clarissa was in demand of a new periodical. The girl had completely filled her current notebook full of tea ideas, recipes, and experiments. She was broken-hearted at present to become abode for the holidays. In that location were so many things she'd be wanting to try, only that required the total inventory of her family's stores.

Peradventure she'd brand something proficient enough that her daddy would offset selling her blend. That would be SO exciting! If anyone in her family was going to get that accolade, it would be her. Her sisters weren't as interested or adamant when it came to the family business.

She browsed the options, doing her best to... ignore the singing that was going on. Those boots though, those were something she could agree with.


I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You lot Knew __________________________________

_____________________________________________ I Was Enchanted To Meet You
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Old 09-27-2017, 04:22 AM #5 (permalink)



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Yes I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT astern ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon'southward favourite


Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post

Clarissa was in need of a new journal. The girl had completely filled her current notebook full of tea ideas, recipes, and experiments. She was anxious now to get home for the holidays. There were so many things she'd be wanting to attempt, but that required the full inventory of her family's stores.

Maybe she'd make something adept enough that her daddy would start selling her blend. That would be And so heady! If anyone in her family was going to become that honor, it would be her. Her sisters weren't equally interested or determined when it came to the family business.

She browsed the options, doing her all-time to... ignore the singing that was going on. Those boots though, those were something she could agree with.

Now that Galileo had a �friend� of sorts, Jessa was likewise in need of a new notebook. While she didn�t listen keeping the pair together for observation, the Ravenclaw was against mixing notes. It just seemed similar the quickest mode to get things messed upwardly and produce false findings. Even though the new one didn�t yet possess a name, he would definitely be needing his ain book�as would all the others one time they as well were animated.

Jessa headed down the aisle, her pocket-sized basket swinging idly by her side every bit she did. Peradventure she would buy a new quill too and a few other little supplie to tide her over til she got dwelling for the holiday. By so she would have her father to get her more.

Turning the corner, she found herself quite literally walking into whoever was waiting on the other side with an unceremonious �oomph�.

�I�1000 sorry, I didn�t see you lot ther�Clarissa!� The widest of grins spread beyond the Ravenclaw�s face every bit she realized it was her friend. �Are yous alright? Didn�t mean to go knocking into you similar that. Out of schoolhouse stuff too?�


Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________

______________________________I'yard fired upwards and tired of the style that things are said.

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Old 09-28-2017, x:twenty PM #6 (permalink)

Hogsmeade Shopkeeper


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SPOILER!!: Customers


Originally Posted past Sneakeh Cat View Post

Flynn had ane important errand on the pinnacle of to-do list as soon as Hogsmeade opened, and no, it was not to accept Felicity on a proper engagement. Yeah, that was on his to-do list, merely he hadn't fifty-fifty asked her notwithstanding if she wanted to go on a date with him hither. He had to practice that first earlier fifty-fifty planning a date, so yeaaaah, he needed to become himself some ink.

He slipped into the store, trying to go unnoticed because he hated small talk with the shopkeepers. Information technology was only until he heard that loud, AWFUL singing that he he was driven off course. He knew staring was bad, just he was doing information technology anyways.


He slowly took a few steps back, thinking he could slip out earlier the man noticed him. He most definitely seemed like the person Flynn would dislike so amend to exit before he was forced to accept a conversation with him.


Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post

Clarissa was in demand of a new journal. The girl had completely filled her current notebook full of tea ideas, recipes, and experiments. She was broken-hearted now to get abode for the holidays. There were so many things she'd exist wanting to try, but that required the full inventory of her family'south stores.

Maybe she'd make something good enough that her daddy would start selling her blend. That would be Then exciting! If anyone in her family was going to become that laurels, it would be her. Her sisters weren't as interested or determined when it came to the family business organization.

She browsed the options, doing her all-time to... ignore the singing that was going on. Those boots though, those were something she could hold with.


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post

Now that Galileo had a "friend" of sorts, Jessa was besides in demand of a new notebook. While she didn't mind keeping the pair together for observation, the Ravenclaw was against mixing notes. Information technology just seemed like the quickest way to become things messed up and produce false findings. Even though the new one didn't yet possess a name, he would definitely be needing his ain book—equally would all the others in one case they likewise were blithe.

Jessa headed down the aisle, her small basket swinging idly by her side as she did. Perhaps she would buy a new quill likewise and a few other little supplie to tide her over til she got home for the holiday. By and then she would accept her father to become her more than.

Turning the corner, she establish herself quite literally walking into whoever was waiting on the other side with an unceremonious 'oomph'.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see y'all ther—Clarissa!" The widest of grins spread across the Ravenclaw's face equally she realized it was her friend. "Are you alright? Didn't mean to go knocking into yous similar that. Out of school stuff too?"

"That I always feel warm when yous're nearly!!!'' connected a also happy and energetic shopkeep. At first T was oblivious to the staring only you know that feeling you get when you lot were beingness staaaared at? He felt it.

"Hello at that place youngster!! Come on in! Why are you lurking at the entrance? There's no furry and annoying cats to bother you!!" (Flynn) To the others Tony threw them a smile. "Y'all two can take hold of my attention if y'all need help, okay?'' (Clarissa and Jessa)


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Old 09-xxx-2017, 01:05 PM #7 (permalink)

Hogsmeade Shopkeeper

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Emerald was irritated or maybe more than annoyed. Her enchanted stationary set had decided to malfunction completely on 1 of the busiest sale weekends of the twelvemonth. She didn't like endmost her shop in the middle of the 24-hour interval even for dejeuner, but what could a woman practice when the stationary set'south faulty magic was causing unnecessary damage to her shop?

With her long brown pilus tied back with a ruby ribbon, the centre aged witch made the walk across the street to Scrivenshafts from Zonkos with her stationary set cradled in her artillery. Going up straight to the counter, ignoring the paper smells and the eye-catching products on auction Emerald called out without much preamble. "Hello? Do you make repairs to stationary sets?"


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Old 09-30-2017, 02:33 PM #viii (permalink)

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Originally Posted past Emerald McDougal View Post

Emerald was irritated or perchance more bellyaching. Her enchanted stationary set had decided to malfunction completely on one of the busiest sale weekends of the year. She didn't like closing her shop in the middle of the day even for lunch, just what could a woman do when the stationary set's faulty magic was causing unnecessary damage to her shop?

With her long brownish pilus tied back with a cherry ribbon, the middle aged witch fabricated the walk across the street to Scrivenshafts from Zonkos with her stationary set cradled in her artillery. Going up straight to the counter, ignoring the paper smells and the eye-communicable products on sale Emerald chosen out without much preamble. "How-do-you-do? Do you lot make repairs to stationary sets?"

A petty restocking hither a little restocking there! T was pleased with the sales then far and was damn sure that Granny Edina would be proud of him. The little old adult female was still iffy at him for removing the furballs from the shop but T was working on calming her down.

"Repairs?'' T turned from the shelf to come face up to face with Emerald. She looked so grumpy right about then that T was secretly glad he hadn't interacted much with her before. Was she usually grumpy? "Non at all! I don't do repairs but I can help you lot get a new prepare. We take A LOOOOOT of sets I know you'll loveeee!'' **BEAM**


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Old ten-01-2017, 03:55 AM #9 (permalink)


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Ministry building RPG Name:
Bennett Young

International Cooperation

Diagon Alley Employee:
Colin Roderick

Gringotts Wizarding Bank

Diagon Alley Employee:
Nicolas Couture

Cranville Quincey's Magical Junk Shop


Sardine VIP || Shark Set on! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post

Now that Galileo had a �friend� of sorts, Jessa was also in demand of a new notebook. While she didn�t mind keeping the pair together for ascertainment, the Ravenclaw was confronting mixing notes. It only seemed like the quickest way to get things messed up and produce false findings. Even though the new ane didn�t yet possess a name, he would definitely be needing his ain volume�equally would all the others once they too were blithe.

Jessa headed downwardly the aisle, her small handbasket swinging idly by her side every bit she did. Perhaps she would purchase a new quill as well and a few other little supplie to tide her over til she got home for the holiday. By then she would take her male parent to get her more.

Turning the corner, she found herself quite literally walking into whoever was waiting on the other side with an unceremonious �oomph�.

�I�m sad, I didn�t run across you ther�Clarissa!� The widest of grins spread across the Ravenclaw�s face equally she realized it was her friend. �Are you alright? Didn�t mean to become knocking into you similar that. Out of school stuff too?�

Clarissa was doing her best to ignore the loud shopkeeper when she was suddenly she was bumped into.


Oh. Wait. It was Jessa. Who, in all honesty, should still watch where she's going. She defenseless her balance with a hand on the brandish. "Yeah. I'1000 fine." She smoothed out her outfit. "No. I need a notebook for work." As in tea stuff. The more of import matter. Her future.

"You're out of infinite already for school stuff?"


I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew __________________________________

_____________________________________________ I Was Enchanted To Run across You
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Old x-03-2017, 03:08 PM #x (permalink)

Hogsmeade Shopkeeper

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Originally Posted by Tony Killingworth View Post

"Repairs?'' T turned from the shelf to come face up to confront with Emerald. She looked so grumpy right about then that T was secretly glad he hadn't interacted much with her earlier. Was she usually grumpy? "Not at all! I don't do repairs but I tin help you lot get a new set. We have A LOOOOOT of sets I know you'll loveeee!'' **BEAM**

Drumming a red nail-polished finger on the counter as she waited Emerald let her eyes wander around the store's wares equally she waited for the shopkeeper. When he turned to face her she was surprised to come across a skilful-looking slightly younger human being, and non the senior madam who had liked cats far too much.

His loud enthusiasm and broad beam momentarily left Emerald speechless before she found her vocalization asking curiously in kind tone. "Why don't you practice repairs? This shop did repairs earlier when the old lady ran information technology."

Letting her optics driblet for a moment to her stationary gear up that she still cradled in her artillery Emerald said "This enchanted stationary prepare has become my trusted pal. Practice you actually think you accept a stationary set on auction that tin be equally reliable?"


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Old 10-04-2017, 01:04 PM #eleven (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Emerald McDougal View Post

Drumming a ruddy nail-polished finger on the counter as she waited Emerald let her eyes wander around the shop's wares equally she waited for the shopkeeper. When he turned to face her she was surprised to see a adept-looking slightly younger human, and not the senior madam who had liked cats far as well much.

His loud enthusiasm and wide beam momentarily left Emerald speechless earlier she found her voice asking curiously in kind tone. "Why don't you do repairs? This shop did repairs before when the one-time lady ran it."

Letting her eyes driblet for a moment to her stationary set that she yet cradled in her artillery Emerald said "This enchanted stationary set has become my trusted pal. Do y'all really call back yous have a stationary set on sale that can be equally reliable?"

"Because I'1000 not my grandmama.'' That's why he did not do repairs. "Only I tin can try. What EXACTLY is the problem with it? Is the case broken? A quill?'' Give him the details and he'd try to sort it out. "If it can't be mended I'll be happy to sell you a new one at a discounted toll.'' T took no notice of her momentary speechlessness. He was used to people simply staaaaaring at his hotness.

T looked at the woman as though she were crazy. "You're talking about that thing as if information technology were your hubby.'' Or married woman whichever. "Give it here and I'll run across what I can do.'' T put out his right hand the fingernails well manicured and all.


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Old ten-07-2017, 01:52 PM #12 (permalink)

Hogsmeade Shopkeeper

Burn Slug

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Bring together Engagement: May 2012

Posts: 159



Originally Posted by Tony Killingworth View Post

"Because I'm not my grandmama.'' That's why he did non do repairs. "But I can attempt. What EXACTLY is the problem with it? Is the example broken? A quill?'' Requite him the details and he'd try to sort it out. "If it tin't exist mended I'll exist happy to sell you a new one at a discounted price.'' T took no detect of her momentary speechlessness. He was used to people just staaaaaring at his hotness.

T looked at the adult female as though she were crazy. "Yous're talking about that affair as if it were your husband.'' Or wife whichever. "Give it here and I'll run across what I can do.'' T put out his right hand the fingernails well manicured and all.

Emerald felt like turning and walking correct out of the shop correct that moment just because it was now run by the besides loud and full of himself grandson and not the sweet old lady. She automatically resented those that thought she was crazy. She was anything but. The enchanted stationary set was a treasured gift from her belatedly grandmother may her rest in peace and the shopkeeper was not going to exist allowed to taint that retentivity.

Taking a breath to calm herself Emerald explained calmly every bit she set the stationary assault the counter. "This is a special enchanted set that i inherited from my grandmother. Every quill is ane of a kind and has its ain kind of use. The spells have broken and the lock on the case has burned up. Do you call up you can repair that?" There was a dare in that question.

A new prepare at a discounted price. No, she wasn't even going to consider that option until she was 100% certain the shopkeeper couldn't repair her set. The husband remark Emerald chose to ignore entirely.


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Old 10-09-2017, 11:22 PM #13 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Emerald McDougal View Post

Emerald felt similar turning and walking right out of the shop correct that moment just because it was now run by the too loud and full of himself grandson and not the sugariness old lady. She automatically resented those that idea she was crazy. She was annihilation but. The enchanted stationary set was a treasured gift from her late grandmother may her rest in peace and the shopkeeper was not going to be allowed to taint that memory.

Taking a breath to calm herself Emerald explained calmly as she set the stationary set on the counter. "This is a special enchanted set that i inherited from my grandmother. Every quill is i of a kind and has its own kind of use. The spells have broken and the lock on the case has burned up. Do you think yous tin repair that?" There was a dare in that question.

A new set at a discounted price. No, she wasn't even going to consider that option until she was 100% certain the shopkeeper couldn't repair her set. The husband remark Emerald chose to ignore entirely.

T listened with no existent interest in the backstory of the set. What he really wanted to do was to go dorsum to singing LOUUUUDLY. "Is that a challenge??" Color him intrigued! T thrived on challenges for as long equally he could remember. "I'll exist honest I'll demand to take a good look at the quills. Do you lot desire to leave the prepare with me?'' T would accept liked to accept a look right now but it could not be possible with customers arriving at that time. "I promise I'll take skillful care of information technology.'' Tony could run into the set meant something to Emerald and he would keep his promise.


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Old 11-12-2017, xi:30 PM #14 (permalink)

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Default Anyone.



The sign screamed the sign on the front of the quill store to entice the public. Come on people! Yous know y'all desire to take reward of this offering! For further inquiries all you need to do is detect one Tony Killingworth. Only where was he?

if yous go into the store yous'll find him at the counter Next to him on full display was a bundle of Quick Quotes Quills.


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