
Are 5a Rated Golf Balls Refinished

There's a bit of a stigma fastened to both recycled and refurbished golf balls. While that stigma may be valid particularly against the refurbished balls, there's a chip more to information technology.

We'll dive into the issue together in this article and we'll take a look at

  • What's the difference between refurbished and recycled?
  • How practise they refurbish a golf ball?
  • What are the pitfalls of recycled, refurbished and new golf balls?
  • What'south the performance divergence betwixt the iii?
  • How your priorities affect your ownership decision

Pre-loved golf balls good, golf assurance with face up-lifts, non skilful

Recycled vs Refurbished Golf Balls vs New Golf game Balls

Difference between refurbished and recycled golf game assurance

In essence, yous're getting a golf ball that looks brand new but is a second hand ball that has been stripped of some of the outer layer and repainted.

A recycled ball on the other hand is a ball plant on the golf game course and resold in the condition that is was found. The seller will more than than likely make clean it with some soapy water and a towel but you're getting a ball that hasn't been altered other than by nature.

How do they refurbish a golf ball?

The refurbishment process in a nutshell

Refurbished golf assurance are sandblasted by the company that purchases/finds the, In the sandblasting process, a fraction of the embrace is stripped away to remove all exterior scratches. After the sandblasting process, they then paint the comprehend with a sleeky finish and restamp the brawl with the desired make and model.

What are the pitfalls of recycled, refurbished and new golf assurance?

Recycled golf game balls

There's not too much wrong with recycled balls. If you lot buy them from a reputable seller, you'll get a decent collection with five out of every l being a bit scruffy but nonetheless playable.

The just existent issue with recycled balls are the ones that have been burned by fire or take their cover chipping and peeling away. Otherwise the difference for the boilerplate golfer is negligible.

Those yellowish blemishes on the golf ball? I've never found them to affect my functioning. If every shot you're playing counts for $20,000 like a professional person, it would exist something to worry about.

A lot of guys complain almost other peoples Sharpie markings or corporate logos on recycled golf assurance. But if you lot're buying used golf balls, that's similar getting gratuitous ice cold beer and complaining that it's not your favorite brand. Just accept information technology and run!

Refurbished or refinished golf game assurance

There's something untrustworthy about these balls.

In general, you're getting a recycled ball that's been fabricated a bit smoother with sandblasting and a new glaze of pigment plus a new stamp of the brand yous're looking for.

At present is that ball with the Pro V1 stamp on it, really a Pro V1? In other words, did they sandblast and repaint another brand and pull a fast one on y'all into buying a fake Pro V1 by stamping it with Pro V1? Those are the questions I enquire myself which ways I don't recommend playing refurbished balls.

New golf balls

The only trouble you're going to have with new assurance is the cost, especially if you lose a few!

What's the difference in performance?

New balls perform best and as advertised.

The refinished and repainted covers of the refurbished golf assurance article of clothing off and reveal the worn out old cover underneath pretty quickly. In terms of functioning, they'll perform similarly to a new ball if they're not besides old or too waterlogged, but how can we know what condition they were in before they were repainted? And is that Pro V1 really a Pro V1?

recycled vs refurbished golf balls vs new golf balls

Earlier refurbishment -> after refurbishment -> after 4 holes

Recycled balls perform very well and it'due south easier to run across what condition they're in before yous hit one! Y'all'll noticed immediately if the cover has been worn abroad past the dominicus or h2o. In general, with the huge demand for used golf game balls, lost balls don't spend too long in the water or the woods. At that place'due south e'er someone finding them and reselling them so you can bet on them performing very shut to a new ball.

Which ane should I buy?

Which one you buy all depends on your priorities.

Are you a new golfer? It's best to go 2d hand golf balls and annihilation will practise. Lost Golf Assurance are a reputable company.

Are y'all a high or mid handicapper who doesn't lose many balls? Purchase new and get the best you can afford to maximize your performance. Check out my guide for high handicappers here and mid handicappers here.

Does the thought of losing an expensive or new ball make you tense upward and hit poor shots? Downgrade to a lower priced ball or purchase used.

Do yous demand the best operation possible and have unlimited funds? Buy the all-time new balls yous can.

There'due south no correct or incorrect answer actually merely I urge you lot not to exist suckered into buying refurbished golf balls.


I hope I've convinced you to avoid playing refurbished golf balls and are more comfy teeing it upwards with a second hand brawl that's merely been cleaned with some soap and water. Don't overthink it - if y'all like new balls play new balls. If you desire to save a few bucks and you're decumbent to losing a few, experience happy in your determination to play second manus!


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