
Professional Cast Iron Tub Refinishing

Yep. The bandage iron tub refinishing process likewise known as cast iron tub reglazing, not just is a viable alternative to replacement when the tub is old, stained, damaged, or just doesn't expect skillful anymore merely has go the number ane choice for contractors nowadays when they are hired by a homeowner to remodel a bathroom where there is a cast fe bathtub installed.

There are multiple reasons for that but the two main ones are:

1- the substantially college level of quality these bathtubs normally have compared to the newer types and,

2-the massive weight cast fe bathtubs have, which makes their removal significantly more complicated and expensive.

In this article, not only will we hash out some ins and outs of the cast fe tub refinishing process and the advantages of this process over the choice of replacement merely as well a lilliputian fleck of the origins of this kind of tubs, how they are fabricated, what are the unlike types of existing cast iron tubs, amongst other interesting topics.

WHAT IS A Bandage Atomic number 26 TUB?

A cast iron bathtub is a bathtub made of melted iron fused with porcelain. This mix is poured into a mold that is located inside a blast furnace. The tub is then coated with enamel to preclude rusting and chipping. The result is a bathtub that is highly durable and considerably resistant to scratches, heavy impacts, and other mechanical agents due to its broiled enamel blanket. Its solid and meaty structure makes it much more durable than any other kind of tub and since cast iron naturally absorbs heat, this bathtub will agree water temperatures for much longer periods, creating a more lasting and, consequently, superior bathing experience.


The cast iron tubs had their origins in the mid 18th century. Back and then they were fabricated of the stand-alone type only, busy with claw-shaped anxiety (known today equally "clawfoot tubs"). This design of ball and hook originated in the Netherlands, possibly artistically inspired past the Chinese motif of a dragon belongings a jewel. The design spread to England, where it institute much popularity among the aristocracy, only as bathing was becoming increasingly fashionable. Early bathtubs in England tended to exist made of cast iron, or even tin and copper with a face up of paint practical that tended to peel with time.


Cast fe bathtubs take been effectually in America for way over a century already. They were seen for the first time in an American vessel in 1842. They were the first blazon of bathtubs used in this continent and were considered a luxury item in the belatedly 19th century. Unless they were in fancy places the majority of them tend to be unsophisticated, in nearly cases simple and somewhat rustic until a Scottish-born inventor named David Buick created a process for bonding porcelain enamel to cast iron  in the 1880s while working for the Alexander Manufacturing Company in Detroit.

The company, equally well as others including Kohler Company , began successfully marketing porcelain-enameled cast-iron bathtubs, a process that remains broadly the same to this day…


In the latter half of the 20th century, the once-popular clawfoot tub morphed into a built-in tub with a small apron forepart. This enclosed mode afforded easier maintenance and, with the emergence of colored sanitary ware, more pattern options for the homeowner. The Crane Company introduced colored bathroom fixtures to the United states of america market in 1928, and slowly this influx of design options and easier cleaning and care led to the nearly demise of clawfoot-fashion tubs.

At present cast iron clawfoot tubs are yet existence fabricated, but at that place are many other material options: rock resin, steel, acrylic, and fiberglass.


Out of all the materials that bathtubs are fabricated of today: acrylic, fiberglass, steel among others, cast iron bathtubs continue to be the finest and strongest ones. 2 of the about of import things that make them so considerably superior are their tremendous durability and the fact that they offering the all-time user experience due to their fantastic heat retention, which allows for longer soak times.

Regarding durability, we must say in favor of cast iron tubs that they very rarely get damaged due to the effects of corrosion. After many years (20 or longer) they may bear witness some signs of aging which in most cases barely translates into a irksome surface or maybe a chip here and there, every bit opposed to steel tubs that start showing rust later just a few years (sometimes fifty-fifty sooner) and if they are non refinished quickly they end up with a pigsty, near frequently around the drain or the overflow.

Steel tub with rust damage around the drain

Steel tub with rust damage around the drain

Acrylic or fiberglass tubs, on the other manus, very often endure serious cracks at the lesser due to the constant consequence of the weight of the user over their sparse and weak trunk. Cast iron bathtubs, on the opposite, are compact and solid, a characteristic that makes it almost impossible for them to fissure anywhere.

Notwithstanding, cast atomic number 26 bathtubs still pose some important disadvantages. Ane of the main ones is cost. They are usually way more expensive than bathtubs of any other materials. A regular built-in standard size Kohler villager (one of the cheapest ones), for example, costs effectually $570, more than twice as much as acrylic, fiberglass, or steel tub of the aforementioned characteristics and decent quality which range around $200 to $250. Other models of built-in bandage fe tubs manufactured by Kohler now, fluctuate from $750 to $1,200.

The 2nd drawback of bandage iron bathtubs is that they are the heaviest of all the bathtub materials available due to the features and qualities of cast iron itself. They commonly weigh between 200 and 370 pounds on average, unfilled, making them harder to handle and requiring a conscious and fourth dimension-consuming reinforcement of the area where information technology is to be placed, especially on higher stories, which would heighten the costs of the projection.


The base price for the refinishing of a cast fe tub, when done by a reputable bathtub refinishing company, varies from state to country and depends on whether the tub is a built-in standard size tub or a clawfoot tub. For the built-in standard size tub, the average price ranges from $230 to $350 while for the clawfoot tub would be from $450 to $750 if it's done outside and inside.  Other factors like whether there are multiple chips to repair, excessive clothing or meaning deterioration could also affect the price.

If your property is located in South Florida and you lot take been wondering "where can I  find a cast fe bathtub refinishing company near me" kindly click on the button below and one of the experts at America Refinishing Pros will provide you with an estimate based on your specific needs.

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Due to the significant disadvantages of bandage atomic number 26 bathtubs mentioned, home developers nowadays tend to often opt for other alternatives like steel or acrylic tubs when they build a new house to the detriment of quality. These same weight inconveniences combined with its virtues, nevertheless, make cast iron tub refinishing the preferred selection for contractors when the time to remodel a bathroom arrives and the bathtub currently installed is a cast-atomic number 26 one.

The main advantages of cast iron tub refinishing

The advantages of bandage iron bathtub refinishing are multiple and undeniable for both contractors and homeowners:

1-Higher Durability THAN REPLACEMENT DUE TO Textile SUPERIORITY : Every bit nosotros have explained previously the superiority of cast iron over other materials that bathtubs are made of today is overwhelming, so the homeowner, by choosing the selection of cast iron tub refinishing, would always be voting for a much improve bathtub that would last mode longer.

two-ECO-FRIENDLY : Replacing a cast iron bathtub creates a lot of waste when you dispose of the former 1. There are packaging and support materials the contractor must either recycle or dispose of likewise. This means that the cast iron bathtub refinishing option would avoid a couple of k pounds of trash out of local landfills.

3- LOWER COSTS: The costs volition go down significantly for both, the contractor would not take to deal with the removal of the fixture which would require unnecessarily purchase and installation of a new tub equally well as demolition and rebuilding function or all the construction of the bathroom to be able to take the existing tub out while the homeowner would keep a much better bathtub for her enjoyment.

4- LESS STRESSFUL FOR THE HOMEOWNER : Since a new bathtub would not need to exist purchased and installed and there will not exist demolition and trash disposal, the bathroom remodeling project would be significantly smoother and shorter, thus less stressful for the homeowner.

 5- Manufactory FINISH : The look of the final product of a cast iron tub refinishing, if done with an experienced and reputable bathtub refinishing company , would exist spotless and in some cases could even be superior to that of many brand new tubs that are manufactured nowadays whose quality and finish sometimes is non what we could telephone call the best.

half-dozen- MUCH FASTER Process : The professional cast iron bathtub refinishing process is relatively quick and expedited. The average time averages around ii to three hours, including all the steps of the bathtub refinishing procedure : acid launder, deep clean-up, removal of the onetime caulking, application of bonding agent, and spraying of topcoat are some of the well-nigh important ones. It could take a trivial longer in some cases when the bathtub has been refinished or painted before or when there are chips that demand additional attention.

In determination, if y'all decided to gut your bathroom and re-do information technology, e'er inquire your contractor to refinish your cast iron tub instead of having information technology replaced. Not only volition you go on a much better tub but will you save time, money and will you avoid lots of stress and headaches.

We encourage you to navigate our blog where you volition exist able to find interesting and highly informative articles near topics like fiberglass tub refinishing, fiberglass tub repair , maintenance tips for refinished bathtubs.


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