
How Do I Open past Quizzes on D2l

ane. Change: The Default Submission View

By default, student run into neither the questions nor their answers after they submit a quiz. You can release that data to them by modifying the default submission view.

Note: You must check "Automobile-publish attempt results immediately upon completion" if students are to come across the Submission view upon submitting their quiz.

Automatically Publish Evaluation selected on Assessment tab

  1. Select Quizzes from the course navbar.
  2. Click on the quiz name.
  3. Select the Submission Views tab.Submission Views tab
  4. Click the Default View link.default view link
  5. If y'all wish, you can alter the default message that students receive upon submitting their quiz.message field reading "your quiz has been submitted successfully"
  6. Select either Yes or No, to make up one's mind if students will be able to see the questions after they submit a quiz. If you select yep, cull i of the following:Show questions options
    • Prove questions answered incorrectly: students merely encounter the questions they answered incorrectly, or for which they received partial credit.
    • Evidence questions answered correctly: students see but the questions they answered correctly.
    • Show all questions without user responses: students only see questions for which they did not provide an answer.
    • Show all questions with user responses: students only see questions they answered (correctly or not), forth with their answers.
    • Show question answers: students see the correct answers, only only for the questions yous take allowed them to see using the other options above.
    • Show question score and out of score: students see how they scored on individual questions.
    • Select Evidence attempt score and overall attempt score if you want students to see their overall score on the quiz.

      Note: If you programme to manually grade any part of the quiz, we recommend that you lot do not select the Show question score and out of score or the Show attempt score and overall score options. If these options are selected, the score shown to participants volition reflect the zeroes D2L assigns to questions it cannot autograde.

  7. Click the Salvage button to save your Submission button
  8. Click the Save and Close button to save your and close button


two. Add: A New Submission View

This pick has actress features. For case, information technology allows you to limit when or how long students can see a quiz after they have taken it.

Note: You must check "Auto-publish attempt results immediately upon completion" if students are to see the Submission view upon submitting their quiz.

Automatically Publish Evaluation selected on Assessment tab

  1. Select Quizzes from the grade navbar.
  2. Click on the quiz proper name.
  3. Select the Submission Views tab.Submission Views tab
  4. Click the Add together Additional View push button.add additional view button
  5. Give this Submission View a Proper name (students volition not come across this proper name).name field
  6. If you want, you can add together a custom message that students will meet upon submitting their quiz.message field reading "your quiz has been submitted successfully"
  7. If yous would like to make the submission view available after a specific engagement and fourth dimension, utilise the Date and Time fields.

    Annotation: If this date is in the hereafter, students will see the default submission view (Section 1 above) upward until this date.

    date field
  8. If yous would like to limit how long a student can review a quiz, select Limit the amount of time (in minutes) for which this view is available after the quiz is submitted. You lot will and then accept the option to specify the length of fourth dimension using the minutes field.minutes field

    Note: Selecting this choice lets students run across their results as soon as they submit their quiz. If y'all have a date (footstep 7), information technology can cancel out this option.

  9. Select either Yes or No, to determine if students will be able to meet the questions after they submit a quiz. If y'all select aye, cull i of the post-obit:Show questions options
    • Show questions answered incorrectly: students only see the questions they answered incorrectly, or for which they received partial credit.
    • Show questions answered correctly: students see only the questions they answered correctly.
    • Testify all questions without user responses: students only see questions for which they did not provide an reply.
    • Show all questions with user responses: students simply meet questions they answered (correctly or not), along with their answers.
    • Show question answers: students see the correct answers, just merely for the questions you take allowed them to see using the other options above.
    • Show question score and out of score: students see how they scored on private questions.
    • Select Show attempt score and overall endeavour score if you want students to see their overall score on the quiz.

      Annotation: If you plan to manually grade any part of the quiz, we recommend that you do not select the Bear witness question score and out of score or the Bear witness effort score and overall score options. If these options are selected, the score shown to participants will reflect the zeroes D2L assigns to questions it cannot autograde.

  10. Click the Save button to salvage your Submission button
  11. Click the Save and Shut button to save your and close button


three. Add together: Submission Views with Multiple Attempts

If you allow students to take a quiz multiple times, you can release different information after each attempt.

  1. Select Quizzes from the form navbar.
  2. Click on the quiz name.
  3. Select the Assessment tab.assessment tab
  4. Choose how many times you lot desire students to Attempt the quiz and click Apply.attempts allowed menu and apply button
  5. Select the Submission Views tab.Submission Views tab
  6. Click the Add together Additional View button. Use section 2 instructions (above) to create your boosted submission view.add additional view button
  7. Select the Endeavor you want to release to students.attempt menu
  8. Add a Min and Max Score.

    Note: Students who score between the min and max scores will be able to see the submission view. Past default, the min and max score are both set at 0%. You must change the max default!

    min and max score fields
  9. Click the Relieve push button to salvage your Submission button
  10. Create an Additional View for each endeavour.
  11. Click the Salvage and Close button to save your and close button


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